Adrianna Luna's scenes

POV with the Hottest Wife Materials

POV with the Hottest Wife Materials

Do you know those kind of ladies who instantly steal your heart? The reason is not important. Maybe she is such a perfect package of caring and sensuality that you... more
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Casting Couch Cuties

Casting Couch Cuties

For an entrant porn producer the several beautiful porn kittens are like a table spread with the most delicious meals. The hottest and sexiest women who are absolutely ready to... more
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Swingers' Sunday Sensation

Swingers' Sunday Sensation

Sandy's swinger mansion is the most popular and most exclusive swinger place in town. Her famous balls, masqurades, and erotic challenges tempt many within the walls, all driven by lust... more
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  • Adrianna Luna
    Adrianna Luna
    Adriana Luna
    May 12
    Butterfly on right hip; a heart shaped lock on left wrist; Taurus symbol on left foot
    Penthouse Pet for Miss November 2012
    52 kg
    160 cm
    Adriana Luna sometimes spells her first name as Adrianna, but she continues to use her last name and this is one Latina bitch that will send you over the moon. Adriana Luna has practically explored it all. She has delved into bondage, has done it with chicks, given handjobs and blowjobs, has been creampied and has fucked big black dicks. She is a proven whore...
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