Kendall Karson's scenes

The Sexual Predator

The Sexual Predator

Having such a high sex drive and an insatiable hunger for women makes you an ultimate sexual predator. You live in the night and hunt until morning comes... Start your... more
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Ransom for love

Ransom for love

You are famous, you are rich, you are a real charmer... but you are definitely not faithful, and now it gets back at you. When three angry ex-girlfriends invade your... more
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XXXmas tales

XXXmas tales

Plunge into Christmas with some X-rated fairy tales! Do you believe in them? You should, this is what Edelweiss, our sexy host advises. Because her favorite tales are a bit kinky to be... more
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Throwback Thursday with Jessica Jaymes

Throwback Thursday with Jessica Jaymes

Jessica takes her fans to a walk down memory lane when in her #throwbackthursday post she shares some of the first and most memorable scenes from the beginning of her... more
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Brandy Aniston's Biggest Fan

Brandy Aniston's Biggest Fan

One of the most accomplished cock teaser in the industry, Brandy made many men happy... and now she laid her eyes on your cock. Be a good fan and give... more
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Thirsty Blowmasters

Thirsty Blowmasters

We all know by now... maybe we always knew... that occasionally a quick oral satisfaction worth more than fucking a pussy. With that in mind we have an offer: if... more
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  • Kendall Karson
    Kendall Karson
    Lexxi Lane
    March 28
    "Faith Love Hope" in script under left breast and a pink star filled on with zebra print on right pelvic bone
    Kendall Karson hails from California state capital Sacramento, where she was brought up Baptist and broke into entertainment via mainstream modeling before she ventured into adult. When a photographer friend suggested her to give porn work a try, it sounded like a good idea to Kendall since at the time she was only having sex about once a month with her then boyfriend of three years. Porn, she's said, seemed like the perfect avenue for trying everything she'd always wanted to do in a safe environment.
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