Jemma Valentine's scenes

The DollCollector

The DollCollector

UPDATED! Welcome to DollCollector, a brand new virtual entertainment system that offers its clients the highest level of adult experience. The service will help you explore a wide selection of... more
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The Sex Therapist

The Sex Therapist

Sexual therapy is an exciting line of work. In these stressful times, more and more ladies feel pressured, confused or scared about their feminity and sexuality. You are their last hope to find... more
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POV with Cheating Wives

POV with Cheating Wives

There are some bored, slutty, horny, neglected, lecherous and adventures wives out there who feel no shame to break the sacred oath of marriage and get a good fuck from... more
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Adventures of a Fashion Model

Adventures of a Fashion Model

You may be the next big thing in fashion industry if you manage your life and career well. For that you have a beautiful manager eager to serve you... in... more
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Welcome to, the top adult dating site of the web. Love and sex never felt so boundless and free as with us. Being a Member of SPF community will... more
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Juicy Case

Juicy Case

As the heart and soul of the courtroom, it's your job to decide over the fate of others and resolve their disputes. Be a gleaming pillar of justice, or let yourself be swayed... more
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POV with Naughty Nurses & Horny Doctors

POV with Naughty Nurses & Horny Doctors

Who doesn't prefer fast satisfaction sometimes? We know you do too. That's why we collected together our Top 9 pretty nurses & horny doctors in one show. Enjoy these mind-blowing... more
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POV with the Hottest Wife Materials

POV with the Hottest Wife Materials

Do you know those kind of ladies who instantly steal your heart? The reason is not important. Maybe she is such a perfect package of caring and sensuality that you... more
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  • Jemma Valentine
    Jemma Valentine
    April 15
Episode guide
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