Allie Jordan's scenes

POV with the Hottest Wife Materials

POV with the Hottest Wife Materials

Do you know those kind of ladies who instantly steal your heart? The reason is not important. Maybe she is such a perfect package of caring and sensuality that you... more
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Flyin' to you

Flyin' to you

Being a pilot of the great Sun&Moon Airlines, you're traveling a lot all around the world. But do you really miss your wife? You phone her every day and say... more
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  • Allie Jordan
    Allie Jordan
    Alexa Jones
    May 22
    On Navel
    50 kg
    154 cm
    Allie Jordan is a sweet looking Latina with long dark hair and brown eyes. She is 5'1 and 110 pounds and she has cute and perfect little titties and a tight 34-23-34 body. She was born in California on May 22 and is a young babe in her very early twenties. Allie Jordan has also performed under the name Alexa Jones, although you'll her in more content under the name she currently uses. She is quite the naughty little tart and while she has done striptease and solo scenes, a lot of her work has been in hardcore.
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