Eva Karera's scenes

Broken Promises

Broken Promises

Two days without sex while his hot wife is away can be challenging for a horny man, especially if right after her departure a long line of tempting opportunities present... more
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The Blowmasters are Back!

The Blowmasters are Back!

The truth, that occasionally a quick oral satisfaction may be more tempting than sex itself, still stands. So if you are looking for a quick orgasm, these blowjob queens will... more
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  • Eva Karera
    Eva Karera
    Eva Carrera, Eva K, Eva Karrera, Eva Carera
    May 06
    English, Dutch
    On hip
    54 kg
    170 cm
    Eva Karera, (born May 6, 1979 in Belgium) is a European porn star with augmented 34G breasts. Prior to her porn career, Eva worked in public relations, tourism and the fashion industry. She opened her own fashion boutique and also worked as a model which included modelling lingerie which led to her career as an adult model. She began her adult industry career in 2007. Within 18 months she had appeared in almost 40 films for French producers. It wasn't until the end of 2008 that Eva came to the US and started appearing in American DVD productions and on websites. As of late 2010, she continues to work on both sides of the Atlantic.
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