Jasmine Wolff's scenes

Casting Couch Cuties

Casting Couch Cuties

For an entrant porn producer the several beautiful porn kittens are like a table spread with the most delicious meals. The hottest and sexiest women who are absolutely ready to... more
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POV with Stunning Redheads

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  • Jasmine Wolff
    Jasmine Wolff
    Shay Bennet, Shay Benett, Shaye Bennet, Shaye Bennett, Jas, Jasxo, Jasmine, Jasmine W.
    April 10
    Neck - black widow, script inside left wrist, 3 stars on left hand, star on lower right abdomen
    45 kg
    157 cm
    Jasmine Wolff, also known as Shaye Bennet is a super cute girl from the United States. This petite babe started doing porn in 2009. She was born in 1989, so she was only 20 years old when she first appeared in a porn movie. Jasmine has a spicy, sexy look with chocolate brown eyes, reddish brown hair and a sporty body with a great ass. Jasmine can easily play the naughty cheerleader girl's role, just like the role of the horny femme fatale. Check out her sexy scenes on the 21sextury.com Network!
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