Yurizan Beltran's scenes

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  • Yurizan Beltran
    Yurizan Beltran
    Sweet Yurizan, Yuri Luv, YuriLuv, Yuri Love
    November 07
    Lower right leg - a scorpion; flower on back between her shoulder blades; stars on each wrist; fairy on left shoulder blade
    Yurizan was born as Yurizan Beltran Lebanue but is nowdays known as Sweet Yurizan. This young sweetie is from Los Angeles, California. Her petite body is decorated with lower right leg tattoo, stars on each wrist and a flower on back between her shoulder blades. Yurizan is 5 feet and 4 inches tall with size 8 feet and weighs 121 pounds. She has an extremely feminine body with 34DD-24-34 measurements. Yurizan entered the porn industry in 2004, when she was 18 years old, a barely legal cutie. She has done several porn movies since then. She is fortunately still active and a very busy lady.
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