Jennifer Dark's scenes

POV with Asian Hotties

POV with Asian Hotties

The Beauties of the East are always so tempting for us, Westerners. We call them cute, exotic and sexy and the twelve girls we gathered today will definitely prove the... more
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Introducing the Tiger

Introducing the Tiger

Organized crime is a dangerous thing to mess with, especially if it has to do with the mysterious crime lord called "The Tiger", one of the most powerful mob leaders.... more
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The Golden Man's Golden Days

The Golden Man's Golden Days

You were - who are we kidding, you still are - the most iconic actor of your generation. There isn't a person on this planet, who doesn't know every single one of your... more
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POV with Slender Beauties

POV with Slender Beauties

Do you like slender girls with huge sexual appetite? Do you love perky tits, tight pussies, round asses and cute faces to cum on? If your reply is yes to... more
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Quickie Delight

Quickie Delight

Have nothing to do? Wanna have some fun? We know exactly what you need. You need a hot girl who sucks your cock whenever you ask for it. That would... more
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Perverse Secrets

Perverse Secrets

There is a secret order who runs our world in the background. They are the Daughters of Caligula. Only a few have had the privilege to join this secret society,... more
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  • Jennifer Dark
    Jennifer Dark
    Charise, Eva, Eva B., Eva T., Jenifer, Jenny Dark, Karnataka, Stephanie
    August 18
    Czech, English
    53 kg
    170 cm
    Jennifer Dark, also known as Eva B., Jenny Dark, and Eva Teggerova, is a gorgeous brunette with exotic, Eastern European looks. Jennifer was born August 18, 1982 in Kolin, Czech Republic. Like so many of the hot Czech women we see, Jennifer has sexy long legs, creamy, tan skin and piercing hazel eyes. She is 5 feet, 7 inches tall and measures 32B-25-35. Jennifer has been in the porn biz since 2002 when she was 20 years old. Her experience in front of the camera truly pays off too! Jennifer has been in almost 200 DVDs and has been featured on over 30 websites. Her breasts were augmented Sep'2009.
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