Angelina Chung's scenes

POV with Asian Hotties

POV with Asian Hotties

The Beauties of the East are always so tempting for us, Westerners. We call them cute, exotic and sexy and the twelve girls we gathered today will definitely prove the... more
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Introducing the Tiger

Introducing the Tiger

Organized crime is a dangerous thing to mess with, especially if it has to do with the mysterious crime lord called "The Tiger", one of the most powerful mob leaders.... more
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  • Angelina Chung
    Angelina Chung
    December 02
    59 kg
    165 cm
    Angelina Chung is an Asian American (Cambodian) porn starlet. She was born in Atlanta Georgia on December 2, 1993. Angelina got into porn via a friend who worked at a porn studio. She soon realized that porn is like a big family in high school, so she fell in love with this profession immediately. She mainly performs in vanilla porn but as her career furthers so will the scenes. She has had the pleasure of working with some big names. Angelina can't wait to shoot gangbang, blow bang, anything with more than 2 guys type of scenes with some anal training.
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