Jessica Bankok's scenes

POV with Asian Hotties

POV with Asian Hotties

The Beauties of the East are always so tempting for us, Westerners. We call them cute, exotic and sexy and the twelve girls we gathered today will definitely prove the... more
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The MILF therapist

The MILF therapist

Desperate wives telling you their dirtiest secrets... Does that sound good? If yes, team up with our fake sexual psychologist who's on hunt for pussies and get your share of... more
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Voodoo practices

Voodoo practices

If 'no sex before marriage' is the credo of your girlfriend, you're in deep shit. Visiting a voodoo priestess for an effective charm that would lure your young sweetheart into... more
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POV Encounters with the Hottest MILFs

POV Encounters with the Hottest MILFs

Who doesn't prefer fast satisfaction sometimes? We know you do too. That's why we collected the Top 12 hottest MILFs from our best interactive shows to represent them to you... more
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  • Jessica Bankok
    Jessica Bankok
    Jesica Bangkok, Jessica Bang Cock, Jessica Bangkhok, Jessica Bangkock
    December 19
    "Brandon" and 2 red roses onlower back
    2011 AVN Award nominee - Unsung Starlet of the Year 2011 AVN Award nominee – Best Group Sex Scene – Bonny & Clide 2011 Urban X Award nominee - Best Girl/Girl Sex Scene - Asian Eyes (shared with Taylor Vixen) 2010 Urban X Award nominee - Best Couple Sex
    57 kg
    152 cm
    Jessica Bangkok was born in Oakland, California of Asian American heritage. A 5 feet tall and 125 lbs, her measurement is 34D. She has a tribal tattoo on her lower back, and she also has a tongue piercing to complete the body art. In 2007 she entered the industry and since then she has amassed 18 titles. Jessica has a very nice pair of boobs that will sure to attract porn lovers with a boob fetish. To be fair, her ass is also amazing, matched by personality. A beautiful woman with sexy features, Jessica possesses plump lips, and a gentle oval face that is adorable.
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