Kari Sweets's scenes

Naughty College: Brash Beginners

Naughty College: Brash Beginners

Naughty College excepts brand-new students every semester - pretty and talented Brash Beginners arrive to get the best education here. The College's Professors are from the most experienced ones: they... more
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A Very Personal Assistant

A Very Personal Assistant

Maxine is the personal assistant of a powerful businessman, a heinous man ready to crush anyone who stands in his way. Some of those people he destroyed in his greed... more
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Perverse Secrets

Perverse Secrets

There is a secret order who runs our world in the background. They are the Daughters of Caligula. Only a few have had the privilege to join this secret society,... more
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  • Kari Sweets
    Kari Sweets
    Alanis, Ariana Lee, Barbora, Dejana, Gloria, Kara, Kari K, Kary, Kari Mila, Kari Milla, Katherine, Lydia, Mandy, Milla, Miloslava, Miroslava Kaprova, Miluska
    February 05
    Czech, a little German, a little English
    Above left ankle
    50 kg
    163 cm
    Kari Sweets as her stage name actually tells it is a sweet Czech girl with several aliases. She entered the industry in 2009 when she was an almost teen yet cutie, 20 years old. With her natural shape, pretty pair of tits and lovely butt Kari is a delicious bite. Kari Sweets' sensual lesbian and passionate hardcore BG scenes are all available on the 21sextury.com Network for the pornlovers!
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