Karla Kush's scenes

Night Shooting with Horny Pornstars

Night Shooting with Horny Pornstars

During the night you arrange meetings with sexy adult stars to create content together. However, with gorgeous girls like Karla Kush, Kendra Spade and Leda Elizabeth, you never feel like... more
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Sex Marathon with Skinny Bitches

Sex Marathon with Skinny Bitches

If skinny girls make your dick hard, then you're at the best place you probably can be. These four skinny bitches, Destiny Lovee, Karla Kush, Lexi Foxy, Tara Ashley are... more
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The Golden Man's Golden Days

The Golden Man's Golden Days

You were - who are we kidding, you still are - the most iconic actor of your generation. There isn't a person on this planet, who doesn't know every single one of your... more
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The Tiniest, the Horniest

The Tiniest, the Horniest

Maybe they are small in their frame, but their sexual appetite is just as big as anyone's or even bigger. These petite ladies will sweep you off your feet and... more
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POV with America's Sweethearts

POV with America's Sweethearts

Who wouldn't love a gorgeous American babe with big tits, gorgeous face, lovely ass and tight, hot pussy? These ladies are some of America's favorite sweethearts and they are not... more
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  • Karla Kush
    Karla Kush
    January 19
    Ears, nose
    Right outside forearm, inside left wrist, left ring finger, back of neck
    51 kg
    160 cm
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