Missy Martinez's scenes

POV with Lusty Latinas

POV with Lusty Latinas

Curvy, hour glass figure or a rockin' little petite body... beautiful brown eyes, long brown hair and an ultimate pretty smile - your favorite hot latinas got all these! Spicy... more
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Confessions of a FOOT maniac

Confessions of a FOOT maniac

I am a foot fetishist – and I suffer a lot because of this. All day long only legs, legs, legs fill my mind. I can't work, I can't sleep.... more
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Ava Addams' Biggest Fan - Part 2

Ava Addams' Biggest Fan - Part 2

One cannot get enough of Ava - her big eyes, big tits and her insatiable sexual appetite can charm any man. She is a first class package without a doubt... more
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The Pervy Photographer is Back!

The Pervy Photographer is Back!

The life of a photographer is not an easy one. Well... the life of an average photographer, because yours is awesome. You make photo sessions with some of the most... more
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Having Fun with Ava Addams

Having Fun with Ava Addams

Big beautiful eyes, huge tits and a big sexual appetite. Ava is quite a package so it’s not a shame to have a crush on her. But of all those... more
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  • Missy Martinez
    Missy Martinez
    Martinez Missy, Missy Martinezz
    July 15
    On navel
    AVN Award 2012 Best All-Girl Group Sex Scene Cherry 2
    61 kg
    170 cm
    Missy Martinez has a truly fantastic rack. Her tits may not be natural, but wow are they huge and if you're a tit fan then this fact might just give you a huge boner to compliment her big jugs. She is a Latina from California and she was born on March 3 in 1989. Missy Martinez is no average babe. She loves sex and she loves it hard and nasty. She has been doing porn since 2009 and she has a lot of scenes to share and aside from some lesbian scenes, most of her work is in the sizzling realm of hardcore.
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