Lola Foxx's scenes

Accidents happen

Accidents happen

Do you go crazy for fancy cars? Being a car mechanic could be your dream job then! But now your task will be more than taking care of the iron...... more
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POV with America's Sweethearts

POV with America's Sweethearts

Who wouldn't love a gorgeous American babe with big tits, gorgeous face, lovely ass and tight, hot pussy? These ladies are some of America's favorite sweethearts and they are not... more
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Sandy's Year of Sex

Sandy's Year of Sex

The summer is long over but the hot memories still linger, waiting to be relived and enjoyed. And though the weather starts to be cold outside, these hot summertime adventures... more
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The Orgy Initiation of Lola

The Orgy Initiation of Lola

Follow young Lola on her first journey of discovery to the USA and enjoy a unique sexual experience along with her! Lola has fantasised for a long time about the... more
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  • Lola Foxx
    Lola Foxx
    November 01
    English, Italian
    On navel, two surface piercings on small of back
    Flower on right above pubes
    50 kg
    154 cm
    Lola Foxx (also known as Lola Fox) was born on October 01, 1991 in Los Angeles, United States. She is 154 cm and 50 kg with amazing 32C-24-36 body, perfect for nude modeling. Paired with a kinky attitude, this model is one of the best newcummers!
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