Abby Cross's scenes

Introducing the Tiger - The Beginning

Introducing the Tiger - The Beginning

Every story has a beginning. Before you became the star detective of an investigation on the notorious crime lord called the Tiger, you had another dicey case. A case that forced you... more
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POV Sex in the Office

POV Sex in the Office

Do you often daydream about your hot & sexy colleagues, assistants or even about your boss lady? You can’t have everything in life such as a naughty fucking session in... more
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Full Time Office Stud

Full Time Office Stud

Office scandals and juicy workplace gossips are always exciting. Even more so when you're one of the participants. This filthy and scandalous story will lead you through four kinky episodes... more
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A Stud's Busy Day

A Stud's Busy Day

Being around women, with all kinds of needs isn't too easy. Lucky for you, you're a real Stud, with a great stamina. You're going to need it, because this is... more
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The Orgy Initiation of Lola

The Orgy Initiation of Lola

Follow young Lola on her first journey of discovery to the USA and enjoy a unique sexual experience along with her! Lola has fantasised for a long time about the... more
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  • Abby Cross
    Abby Cross
    Abbie Cross
    November 29
    53 kg
    158 cm
    A down-home style, sweet and friendly, all American Texas girl is what you find with Abby Cross. This southern charmer was brought up to cook a fine meal and always say yes ma'am.
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