Dorothy Black's scenes

The secret formula

The secret formula

In search of the most slippery of them all, the cheeky laboratory assistants discover a new substance that would revolutionize oil wrestling. But what would the professor think about the... more
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Secretaries in Charge

Secretaries in Charge

Follow five stunning secretaries who won't hold back. They are very obedient and will show you just what they are capable of! In meeting rooms, toilets or car parks, these... more
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MILF Mania

MILF Mania

If you find joy in experience and ripe beauty; if you prefer your lady to be confident and beautiful; if you are into hot moms in dirty action then this little trip is... more
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  • Dorothy Black
    Dorothy Black
    Donna, Dora, Dora Meszaros, Dorothy, Dorothy Love, Gabriella, Lia Lyen, Sandra
    February 10
    Hungarian, English
    Labia; right above her pussy; nose
    Playmate of the Month, March 2002, Hungary
    55 kg
    163 cm
    Dorothy started her career in 1999 and was Playmate of the month in the March 2002 issue of Playboy (Hungary). While she has made some hardcore appearances in Europe, she has only done solo and lesbian work in America. She currently works as a well-renowned stripper.
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