Barra Brass's scenes

Office Affairs

Office Affairs

When work ethics get neglected, when sexual blackmailing becomes a valid tool, when colleagues step over the usual office relations and turn to be sex partners, it is almost certain... more
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Her Very First Time

Her Very First Time

Zoe is a young student. At 19, she has not yet experienced the thrill of a sexual relationship with a boy, but things could change during the weekend she will... more
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MILF Mania

MILF Mania

If you find joy in experience and ripe beauty; if you prefer your lady to be confident and beautiful; if you are into hot moms in dirty action then this little trip is... more
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  • Barra Brass
    Barra Brass
    April 30
    Czech, English
    180 cm
    Barra Brass, also known as Baby Blonde was born in 1984. She started doing porn in 2011, when she was 27 years old. She is a real nymphomaniac Czech babe with a gorgeous, tall, all natural body. She is into several kind of niches like hot lesbian orgies, anal banging, solo masturbation with brutal dildos or double penetration actions as well.
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