Abril Gerald's scenes

Sorority Secrets 2 - The New Semester

Sorority Secrets 2 - The New Semester

A new semester means new girls, new colleagues and brand new adventures in the all-girl sorority school. All those dove eyed beauties waiting for someone, a guide and mentor, who... more
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Sorority Secrets 3 - The Best Class Ever

Sorority Secrets 3 - The Best Class Ever

A new semester always teems with opportunities... new girls, new adventures, new colleagues. But none of them promised so much excitement as this one with your very own class of... more
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Adventures of a Handyman

Adventures of a Handyman

Being the local handyman has more merits than one would think. It is not only about the satisfaction of fixing things, nor about the chance to make a comfortable living.... more
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POV Facials with the Prettiest Teens

POV Facials with the Prettiest Teens

Who doesn't prefer fast satisfaction sometimes? We know you do too. That's why we collected the Top 12 prettiest teens from our interactive shows to represent them to you in... more
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Gorgeous Girls' Anal Fantasies

Gorgeous Girls' Anal Fantasies

Five beautiful girls, five passionate, exciting fantasies and five ways to mind-blowing, erotic anal pleasure. Take the front seat and peek into these girls’ most secret dreams! Their imagination is full of naughty-naughty images... more
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Naughty College: Teachers' Pets

Naughty College: Teachers' Pets

It is a very important day of the Institute of Naughty College. Today they get the well-deserved publicity which may lift their school's reputation to unthinkable heights. The only goal... more
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  • Abril Gerald
    Abril Gerald
    December 14
    Ukrainian, English
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