Jay Dee's scenes

The Attorney

The Attorney

As a man of the law an attorney meets several types of cases every day. He has to promptly decide which case needs more effort than usual...and whether it is... more
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POV Facials with the Prettiest Teens

POV Facials with the Prettiest Teens

Who doesn't prefer fast satisfaction sometimes? We know you do too. That's why we collected the Top 12 prettiest teens from our interactive shows to represent them to you in... more
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Nobody's Innocent

Nobody's Innocent

Struggles for power, money, sex and corruption. This young Parisian lawyer doesn't know it yet but by agreeing to defend her new client, she is playing a dangerous game. From... more
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  • Jay Dee
    Jay Dee
    JayDee, J.D.
    June 20
    Russian, English
    Most girls prefer to have a single partner in bed, but not busty Jay Dee. She doubles the usual number, because she cannot resist to the temptation to feel two hard cocks inside her body at the same time. So we rushed to get our camera and record the whole DP session for you.
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