Angelica Heart's scenes

Sinful Suburbia

Sinful Suburbia

You have the slightest idea about the neighborhood you recently moved into. Well, you lucky son of a gun, welcome to this sinful suburbia! Here all the MILFs next door... more
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Girls at Work - Pleasure First

Girls at Work - Pleasure First

This office are full of lust and desire. Whether they're businesswomen or simple employees, they're the ones who decide where, when and how. Couples and threesomes are form, and you... more
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Resort of Lust & Luxury

Resort of Lust & Luxury

You are the luckiest guy in the world. Seriously. Ever since you have started working for Alexa, the owner of this luxury resort and spa, your life has changed not... more
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After Office Hours

After Office Hours

It might not be the most professional thing, but as a boss of a very successful start-up, you try to surround yourself with beautiful women. It’s giving you opportunities to... more
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All My Devoted Step-Moms

All My Devoted Step-Moms

When your parents got divorced, you were kinda freaked out. For nothing! Your dad has gotten married four more times since that... Which means that you have four mind blowing... more
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Private Masseur for MILFs

Private Masseur for MILFs

Even though you're a professional masseur with years of experience, you feel like a beginner right now. This will not even be just a simple work interview, this will be... more
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The Office MILFs' New Favorite

The Office MILFs' New Favorite

You have recently started working at a new office, and it didn't take long for you to start an affair with your sexy boss, Sata Jones. She always acts as... more
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Ex-Girlfriend Encounters

Ex-Girlfriend Encounters

You had an illustrious number of girlfriends and you didn't always end things amicably. Sometimes it happens that you forget to text back or call... After reaching a high number... more
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Dear Diary, My Neighbors Are All Naughty

Dear Diary, My Neighbors Are All Naughty

You can consider yourself very lucky indeed. You have always lived in a neighborhood where hot women and girls were your neighbors. This led you to have a taste... more
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Girls at Work - After Hours

Girls at Work - After Hours

Shalina and her colleagues have very busy days. When the evening comes, all the means are good to release the pressure. Some go to have a tiring workout... but there... more
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Girls at Work - Team Building

Girls at Work - Team Building

A team building is an important social aspect of the company. It breaks the red tape and makes people feel closer to each other. But probably even the organizors of... more
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  • Angelica Heart
    Angelica Heart
    June 18, 1983
    Black Hair
    167 cm
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