Sharon White's scenes

Dirty Affairs with Sharon White

Dirty Affairs with Sharon White

A totally unexpected encounter leads to a super hot anal quickie with the blonde bombshell, Sharon White. The act of cheating on his boyfriend with her handsome savior makes her... more
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The Full Body Massage Guru

The Full Body Massage Guru

Becoming a massage guru takes a lot of practice and experience. Your very pretty and very busty friend, Sofia Lee is more than willing to help you practice full body... more
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Resort of Lust & Luxury

Resort of Lust & Luxury

You are the luckiest guy in the world. Seriously. Ever since you have started working for Alexa, the owner of this luxury resort and spa, your life has changed not... more
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Taboo Therapy Sessions

Taboo Therapy Sessions

You’ve been in the therapy industry for a while now, lucky to have the most different cases imaginable. Your professional field includes sexual psychology, couples therapy, midlife crisis, etc... and... more
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The Grifter

The Grifter

You are not an honest man. Your whole life is an act... You are a grifter. You lie your way into places you have no business to be at, cheat... more
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Study Bodies

Study Bodies

The pressure of student life is something you would not wish to anyone. The constant stress and anxiety can be extremely tiresome in the long run. Of course there is... more
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  • Sharon White
    Sharon White
    Nov 12, 1991
    48 kg
    170 cm
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