Mina Sauvage's scenes

The Perfect Wife

The Perfect Wife

Pleasure is even better when it's shared. Megan, Ariel, Nikita and Mina will experience it through five hardcore and intense stories. Between seduction and domination games, they will discover sensations... more
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Claire, the Submissive

Claire, the Submissive

Claire is a shy woman who spends more time at work than trying to sort out her love life. When she meets Jean Lefort, a famous writer, Claire can't imagine... more
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Her Very First Summer Camp

Her Very First Summer Camp

So many things can happen in a summer camp full of horny schoolgirls. There is nobody who could control these reckless girls and nobody is safe from their desires. Neither... more
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Wife Sharing at its Finest

Wife Sharing at its Finest

Are you interested in witnessing beautiful housewives turning into cock hungry whores? If you are, don't miss this ride! Keeping a gorgeous wife to yourself should be considered a great... more
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Revenge of a Daughter

Revenge of a Daughter

Marc Seragano, a successful banker and a loving father, leaves home to meet his mistress to enjoy some S&M sex games. After he is found dead, all fingers point to... more
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Young Women's Affairs in the City

Young Women's Affairs in the City

Even if Mina couldn't come to the party, Nikita certainly took advantage of it with Roman and a very open couple. After a night of debauchery, she meets with Mina... more
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  • Mina Sauvage
    Mina Sauvage
    52 kg
    165 cm
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