Cara St Germain's scenes

Ella, the Nymphomaniac

Ella, the Nymphomaniac

Ella is a true sex maniac. Thanks to her position as an accountant in one the the big companies in the London "City", she manages to show herself as a... more
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Wives to Share

Wives to Share

In a world of luxury and seduction, these six beautiful married women are ready and willing to do anything to satisfy the debauched and voyeuristic fantasies of their husbands. Offering... more
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Sex Education for MILFs

Sex Education for MILFs

To satisfy their husbands, these beautiful creatures obediently begin their initiation into a world of wild debauchery. In chic high society surroundings, these gorgeous married women are about to discover... more
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The Swinger Wife

The Swinger Wife

Swinging will change this married woman's life, and teach her how to enjoy pleasure with no limits. Encouraged by her best friend, this beautiful mature blonde decides to go for... more
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Revenge of a Daughter

Revenge of a Daughter

Marc Seragano, a successful banker and a loving father, leaves home to meet his mistress to enjoy some S&M sex games. After he is found dead, all fingers point to... more
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More Than Willing Secretaries

More Than Willing Secretaries

Cara and her gorgeous friends will introduce you to the office life of four secretaries with absolutely no boundaries. These assistants aren't just satisfied with being sexy with their low-cut... more
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Claire & Cara at Your Service

Claire & Cara at Your Service

Everybody in this house, the male staff and these three gorgeous maids in uniform alike, has a duty to cater to Madame and her husband's every desire. Devotion, obedience, perfectionism,... more
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Everything for Pleasure

Everything for Pleasure

Lola Reve and her four beautiful girlfriends take you with them into their lustful fantasies and nocturnal perversions. Wearing tantalizing high heels and dressed in elegant evening gowns, seamed stockings... more
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  • Cara St Germain
    Cara St Germain
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