Maya Bijou's scenes

Charming the Chaos

Charming the Chaos

Not everything looks bright in your career in Hollywood right now... but even though you have to let your sexy assistant, Maya Bijou, go, all the gorgeous women in your... more
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Real Talent is Hard to Find

Real Talent is Hard to Find

Let's face it, you struggle. Your agency is on the verge of bankruptcy and only one thing can save it now... a new, promising talent. So go out there and... more
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18-year-old Massage Clients

18-year-old Massage Clients

Ever since you discovered the beauty of the female body, you wanted to be a masseur to get close to women as possible. You have the pleasurable task to ease... more
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POV with Hot American Beauties

POV with Hot American Beauties

What might be the cause of your depression? If you could ask for a gift, something sexy, what would it be? You wanna share your bed with a hot American... more
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Having Fun with Maya Bijou

Having Fun with Maya Bijou

Do you like cappuccino dolls? Well, spend some time with Maya Bijou and you will. This gorgeous lady brings all the merits of her mixed heritage, offering a perfect package... more
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  • Maya Bijou
    Maya Bijou
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