Lauren Phillips's scenes

Charming the Chaos

Charming the Chaos

Not everything looks bright in your career in Hollywood right now... but even though you have to let your sexy assistant, Maya Bijou, go, all the gorgeous women in your... more
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POV Threesomes with Insatiable MILFs

POV Threesomes with Insatiable MILFs

Who doesn't prefer fast satisfaction sometimes? We know you do too. That's why we collected the Top 8 hottest European and American MILFs from our interactive shows to present them... more
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How I met my girlfriend: Lauren Phillips

How I met my girlfriend: Lauren Phillips

It all starts with a wonderful redhead woman arriving to the cafe terrace, right where you are having your morning coffee. You can't get your eyes off of her anymore... more
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Wedding Weekend with Riley Reid & Bridesmaids

Wedding Weekend with Riley Reid & Bridesmaids

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Real Talent is Hard to Find

Real Talent is Hard to Find

Let's face it, you struggle. Your agency is on the verge of bankruptcy and only one thing can save it now... a new, promising talent. So go out there and... more
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High Class Infidelity with Lauren Phillips

High Class Infidelity with Lauren Phillips

You might say that your relationship with the redhead, busty diva, Lauren Phillips is pretty complicated at the beginning. As it turns out she is married while having fun with... more
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Redhead Attack

Redhead Attack

Gossip is that redheads are feisty by nature and also very passionate lovers. And though you don’t plan to test their patience to prove the first one, you can very... more
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Best POV Scenes of 2018

Best POV Scenes of 2018

Good Help is Hard to Find

Good Help is Hard to Find

Good help is hard to find... mostly when you are a porn producer who needs a new assistant. Hire the best headhunter, Nia Nacci to find your new right hand.... more
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POV with Hot American Beauties

POV with Hot American Beauties

What might be the cause of your depression? If you could ask for a gift, something sexy, what would it be? You wanna share your bed with a hot American... more
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Sex Marathon with Horny Redheads

Sex Marathon with Horny Redheads

Who doesn’t love a sexy redhead, especially when they are so eager to make love? Well, we definitely do and invited not less than four beauties with fiery hair and... more
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Fake it Till You Make it

Fake it Till You Make it

You are a struggling talent agent on the verge of bankruptcy whose life is a mess. On top of that, even though you have a beautiful and sexy fiancé, you... more
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  • Lauren Phillips
    Lauren Phillips
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