Brooke Banner's scenes

Neighborhood Gigolo

Neighborhood Gigolo

Kristian is one of the biggest gigolos in the neighborhood, and he is undeniably proud of it. However, it is not an easy bread, dodging all those angry husbands and... more
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  • Brooke Banner
    Brooke Banner
    Brooke Biggs, Lindsey Brooke, Lindsay Brooke
    September 28
    Navel, nose, clit
    "CXIV hb" right side of torso; Sleeve (fairy, butterflies, flowers) left arm; Lettering inside left wrist; Kanji inside right forearm; Red star between right thumb and index finger; Tribal lower back; Winged fairy with violin left bikini line etc.
    55 kg
    173 cm
    Brooke Banner was born on September 28, 1983 in Gainesville, Florida. She began modeling when she was 3 years old for different clothing stores. At the age of 20 she moved to California and met a friend who introduced her to the porn industry. Brooke enjoys outdoor activities like rock climbing, water-skiing and bicycle-riding. Aside from that, she prefers mostly staying at home. This sexy blond likes girls and guys equally and her favorite sex position is doggy style.
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