Sofi Goldfinger's scenes

The Ex-Girlfriend Challenge

The Ex-Girlfriend Challenge

UPDATED! What great fun would it be, visiting all your hot ex-girlfriends to spend another hot night with them, right? Well, nobody stops you to try it but be warned:... more
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The Polygamist

The Polygamist

A sailor has a lady at every port and a pilot has a mistress in every country. Nobody knows it better than you, the handsome polygamist, who has beautiful wives... more
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Marriage with Benefits

Marriage with Benefits

Your wife - a busy and sexy businesswoman - had to travel to the other side of the ocean to work. But before she left, she offered to play a... more
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Anal All Day Every Day

Anal All Day Every Day

Who said anal romance cannot be natural, sensual or erotic? We surely didn’t – and these gorgeous girls neither. Let us invite you into five exciting tales about gentle backdoor... more
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Your Casting Agency (with Porno Dan)

Your Casting Agency (with Porno Dan)

Tons of girls are applying to your agency, you will do castings with four of them today with your model agent partner, Dan. Ask the right questions and do a... more
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Horny Heartbreaker

Horny Heartbreaker

You simply can't keep your cock in your pants... Although you have a cute girlfriend, she's alone not enough for you to be satisfied. As a horny heartbreaker you chase... more
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  • Sofi Goldfinger
    Sofi Goldfinger
    November 24
    Russian, English
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