Bella Baby's scenes

Your Ex-Girlfriend Home Videos

Your Ex-Girlfriend Home Videos

You have a secret kink: you collect home videos about your girlfriends, and of course, you keep them after break-ups too. Now it's time to watch the best tapes of... more
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  • Bella Baby
    Bella Baby
    Bella Anne, Bella C., Bella Karups, Bella Shepard, Bella C Met Art, Bella Babe, Bella Wetandpuffy, Cattis, Katka, Naomi
    June 16
    Czech, English
    Stud left upper lip, navel, tongue
    Flowers left hip and upper thigh, flowers left ankle and upper foot, winged heart right shoulder blade
    49 kg
    157 cm
    Bella Baby was born in the Czech Republic on June 16, 1989. She is 5'1 and 116 lbs with some nice and perky 32B tits. Bella has long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She has her tongue, belly button and lip pierced and has tattoos on her leg, shoulder and feet. Bella does a very nice mix of hardcore and solo scenes, and has been on such large adult sites as 21sextury Network.
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