Andrea Francis's scenes

The neighbour's woman

The neighbour's woman

This beautiful, rich neighborhood is full of busy businessmen running after money day over night, while their bored housewives and spoiled daughters crave for some excitement. Luckily there is a... more
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Naughty Neighbor

Naughty Neighbor

One can never know what may happen right next to his home, on the other side of the walls. For instance, who would suspect that the lovely looking girl from... more
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Sexual therapist

Sexual therapist

The sex is a very important factor in a good relationship such as a marriage. If the sex doesn't work, it may lead to a disaster. Luckily, there are professionals... more
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  • Andrea Francis
    Andrea Francis
    Alina, Andrea Parker, Diora Cooper
    April 18
    English, Russian
    On navel
    55 kg
    172 cm
    Andrea Francis is a perfectly classy, tall and slender blonde babe with a beautiful natural body. Her lovely smile makes her charming figure much more sexier. However her look implies that she shall be a fuckable MILF, she's in her mid-twenties. Andrea Francis' style is how busy bosses imagine their sexy personal secretary. Andrea entered the industry in 2011, and worked under the name of Andrea Parker and Diora Cooper, too. Neither the mighty lesbian scenes, nor the hardcore BG sets are strange for this kitten. Surely all of us wish that she will stay in porn for a long time!
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