Jalace's scenes

Love, Lollipop, Rock'n'Roll

Love, Lollipop, Rock'n'Roll

Oh, the vibrant 50's when people have nothing to worry about. Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, or Little Richard rocks from the radio, and love becomes a fashion. This is the... more
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Casting couch

Casting couch

The biggest wish for the sweet little teen, Jalace is to become a famous singer one day... Why Totti, the seems-to-be-influential producer would not help her to achieve it? He... more
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Oh-so-young Ass-thusiasts

Oh-so-young Ass-thusiasts

Enjoying a sweet ass is not a sin. Especially so if the girl loves anal sex just as much. We gathered five of the hottest anal-obsessed cuties to entertain you... more
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The client list

The client list

It is always bad news when sex and politics mix together, and exactly that happens when the mayor's daughter shows up as a prostitute of an escort service. The media... more
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  • Jalace
    Emily, Holly, Rita, Rita Jalace, July
    March 19
    Russian, English
    44 kg
    156 cm
    What a lucky hit this Russian cutie is! This gorgeous newbie is Jalace who sometimes looks like a barely legal teengirl, however, she was born on March 19th, in 1990. Jalace started doing porn in 2012 and with her sweet petite figure she has immediately become a big favorite. Anal pornlovers can welcome a new favorite, too, since Jalace gladly takes big cocks like Kid Jamaica's into her tiny tight asshole. Check out the 21sextury Network for more!
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