Melina Mason's scenes

The Cover

The Cover

As an undercover cop infiltrate the Costello-clan, headed by Don Costello, the infamous gangster! Your work will pay off if you manage to convince him – and your mission will... more
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  • Melina Mason
    Melina Mason
    Succor, LolaJo, Melissa Mason
    May 26
    Several Dali tattoos on her right arm; rose on right wrist; red dragon on her neck; "Succor" inside her lip and a quote on her right forearm
    55 kg
    161 cm
    Melina Mason is a busty bombshell from Long Island, New York. Melina caught the modeling bug at a young age, but her parents decided that the best thing for her was to focus on education. Years passed and Melina retained a strong curiosity of all things sexy. When 2008 rolled around, Melina took her life into her own hands and relocated to New Jersey. There she started shooting with Suicide Girls as a glamour model. Once her contract wrapped up with Suicide Girls, Melina took the plunge into porn. Whether she’s doing girl on girl, running her website, or taking cock – Melina Mason is a true pro.
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