Tracy Gold's scenes

Sorority Secrets

Sorority Secrets

A sorority school is a paradise for those who love beautiful, passionate, but naive teenagers craving for love, and exploring their newfound sexuality. They need someone to guide them on... more
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Just an angel

Just an angel

Sometimes the angelic appearance turns out to be ridiculously fake. Her parents leave Tracy, the seems innocent little blondie at home with the strict babysitter, Katy. The parents don't know... more
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  • Tracy Gold
    Tracy Gold
    Aisa, Morgane Tyler, Noleta, Noletta, Tracy
    December 12
    Hungarian, English
    50 kg
    165 cm
    Tracy Gold seems like a familiar name, but this isn't the Tracy some people would know from an eighties American sitcom. In fact, this girl is hardly as innocent, although she is very good looking. She was born in Hungary on December 12, 1988 and is in her twenties. Tracy Gold appears in European porn and has done some cock-stiffening scenes. She has a rocking hot 34-24-34 body and small A-sized breasts. She is 5'5 and 110 pounds and she has a smile that could charm the pants off of any man. Of course, not too many guys would pass up the opportunity to get a piece of her ass.
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