Melissa Ria's scenes

Naughty College: BadAss Chicks

Naughty College: BadAss Chicks

Naughty College excepts brand-new students every semester – some of them are shy, but others are real BadAss chicks. Of course, our lecherous Professors won’t shy away from the task... more
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  • Melissa Ria
    Melissa Ria
    Lucie S.
    Czech, English
    54 kg
    170 cm
    Melissa Ria is a striking babe with jet black hair and grey eyes. She is 5'7 and 119 pounds with a super hot 36-27-36 body and fantastic-sized, natural boobs. She comes from the Czech Republic and she was born on October 27 in 1989.Melissa Ria has been working in porn since she turned 20 years old and from the look of things there hasn't been much that she has ever refused to do. Qu'elle joue avec ses sextoys, qu'elle lèche les chattes de ses copines ou se penche pour en prendre une bien grosse peu importe le trou, cette fille vous fait bander non stop!
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