Zafira's scenes

French Kiss

French Kiss

When 19-year-old Eva accepts the invitation of a mysterious French uncle, she unwittingly takes the first steps towards her sexual awakening. Encountering real passion would change innocent Eva's life forever.... more
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Girl on girl

Girl on girl

Guide Zafira , the beautiful brunette and her stunning girlfriend Brandy Smile on their afternoon encounter! Buliding an appetite for a fruit salad and each other too, they're ready to... more
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Hooking Up Online Again

Hooking Up Online Again

Hooking up is still very popular among young folks. So it is not a surprise that you, the master of online flirting, have an easy time finding willing girls who... more
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  • Zafira
    Bettina, Betty, Zafira Blundchen, Zafira Klass, Zafira Nubiles
    November 13
    Hungarian, English
    58 kg
    172 cm
    Zafira is a true gem in pornland. We all adore her innocent face, her lusty lips, her sinful curves, her sparking eyes. And all, what she does with these gifts of hers! Zafira has done several solo lesbian and a unique hardcore scene for Network websites and her best selling DVDs include Girls Only, Loaded with Pee and Fisting and Fuck the Beauty all available from!
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