Tristan Summers's scenes

Up Close & Personal with Tristan Summers & Kira Taylor

Up Close & Personal with Tristan Summers & Kira Taylor

As a veteran adult performer in the industry, you can always have your picks when it comes to your partners. Today you choose everyone's favourite, blonde Tristan Summers and a... more
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Just One Last Time

Just One Last Time

Your family is great but you are a little quirky. Your relationship is not particularly usual, considering you regularly fuck your smoking hot step-mom and your busty step-sis. Of course... more
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Mornings with Your Step-Sis & Step-Mom

Mornings with Your Step-Sis & Step-Mom

Jump into the body of a young college student who has a really fucked up and horny step-family. There are no taboos in this family, your hot blond step-mom Rachael... more
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A Horny Morning with Tristan Summers

A Horny Morning with Tristan Summers

This morning couldn't start better that this when you wake up next to the gorgeous blonde Tristan Summers. Of course it is always a joy to wake up right next... more
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Fitness Casting with Petite Babe, Tristan Summers

Fitness Casting with Petite Babe, Tristan Summers

The world of fitness modelling needs passion, from newcomers and experienced alike. And this time there are other attributes required: a petite frame and having braces. Luckily your new... more
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How Did You Get Into Porn with Tristan Summers

How Did You Get Into Porn with Tristan Summers

Every road has a beginning and you are the first major step on Tristan’s adventure. The cute, innocent looking, but busty teen wants to build a career as a porn... more
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  • Tristan Summers
    Tristan Summers
    September 2, 2001
    47 kg
    168 cm
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