Jayla de Angelis's scenes

A Weekend with Your Step-Sister, Kiara Lord & friends

A Weekend with Your Step-Sister, Kiara Lord & friends

It’s not easy being the older sibling, not even when you are only step-siblings. Nevertheless this is exactly the situation between Kiara and you, and sometimes she drives you up... more
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Arranged Marriage Gone Wild

Arranged Marriage Gone Wild

Arranged marriages sound very old-fashioned today but when your strict gangster boss dad tells you that he managed one for you, you can’t believe your ears at first. But that’s... more
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Yes, Doctor!

Yes, Doctor!

As a Doctor you take your duties and role very seriously - both at your hospital and as a husband. You always know what you want and you love being... more
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Private School for Pervs - Step-Sibling Rivalry

Private School for Pervs - Step-Sibling Rivalry

Adventures of a Lucky Burglar

Adventures of a Lucky Burglar

Your whole life you’ve always got by somehow. However, you got tired of not gaining and achieving more financially... Such a brilliant, creative mind like yours... You definitely deserve more.... more
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Virgin Bride Obsession

Virgin Bride Obsession

You have always had this thing for brides. Their nubile bodies hidden by their free flowing dresses, representing the peak of innocence. For you, no woman is more beautiful, more... more
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The Hottest POV Affairs with 3 Girls

The Hottest POV Affairs with 3 Girls

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Adventures of a Rookie Swinger

Adventures of a Rookie Swinger

Moving to a new neighbourhood always brings new challenges with itself. As a rookie swinger, you decided to organize a wild swinger party in your new house, but you were... more
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When directing a series of interviews with celebrities about their sexuality, Bella and John didn't think they would have to get so involved. They interview the famous rock-star Jayla and... more
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  • Jayla de Angelis
    Jayla de Angelis
    January 1, 1993
    No Piercings
    No Tattoos
    52 kg
    167 cm
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