Brooke Haven's scenes

The Job Counsellor

The Job Counsellor

Time to make up your mind and pick the profession that suits you the best. How will you choose between white collar and blue collar jobs? Both have the advantage... more
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  • Brooke Haven
    Brooke Haven
    Serena Maffucci, Brooke Blaire, Mrs. Haven, Vanessa Chablis, Brook Haven
    November 25
    54 kg
    157 cm
    Haven was born and raised in the small Northern California town of Sonora. She described herself as being very shy and reserved: "If somebody new came into the room I was behind the couch hiding." She lived there until she turned 19, when she moved to San Francisco to start working as a stripper. She worked at a club called Deja Vu for three and a half years. Haven then moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where she remained with her stripper career. While working in Phoenix, she met and befriended future porn star Lexie Marie. They both appeared on a magazine and were invited to attend the porn convention Erotica LA in Los Angeles where she made some contacts in the adult industry. Soon after that, she moved to Los Angeles to start working in porn and on October 12, 2004 shot her first porn movie. Haven has now worked in over 150 pornographic movies with some of the biggest names in porn. Haven is under a non-exclusive contract with a famous studio which allows her to work for other companies as well. She also directs her own pornographic movies. Now it's your time to check her on our Network websites as well!
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