Kaisa Nord's scenes

A day with Alyssia Kent

A day with Alyssia Kent

Having a beautiful artist girlfriend like Alyssia Kent is always a challenge and just as much a treat. She demands your attention but she gives you a lot in return... more
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Summer Break Seduction

Summer Break Seduction

You are on summer break from college, but even now, you can’t stop chasing after hookups. You gotta be around girls, and you gotta be as close to them as... more
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Having fun with Romy Indy & Friends

Having fun with Romy Indy & Friends

Having a gorgeous looking, smart, kind and funny girlfriend like Romy Indy truly makes you a lucky guy. She loves spending time with you, having fun on the weekends, and... more
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Office Issues

Office Issues

Your boss tasks you to take care of an important pendrive which contains sensitive business information. A request like this equals to a promotion and the gorgeous boss lady makes... more
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Perverse Architects

Perverse Architects

Being the new colleague at a prestigious architectural firm has its perks. The company is ran by a gorgeous and insatiable MILF, Shalina Devine, who has her hungry eyes on... more
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Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors

You have a beautiful family: your wonderful wife, Tina, your cute step-daughter, Zazie and your step-son, Sam. Now that you welcomed a new member to the family, your wife needs... more
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A day with Kaisa Nord & Friends

A day with Kaisa Nord & Friends

What a relaxing day this promises to be. There is nothing to do apart from a dinner later with your lovely girlfriend Kaisa. Until then, you two have a hot... more
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Business with Pleasure

Business with Pleasure

You are the best distributor and, not to brag, one of the best lover in town. These qualities both come handy when you get a job from a businesswoman called... more
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You did it this time. As an investigation reporter, you are well aware that things may get hairy from time to time, but this time you really shook the hornets’... more
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POV Moresomes with Tina Kay

POV Moresomes with Tina Kay

A lot of guys dream about sharing a girl... or girls sharing him with each other. While for most it remains a dream, today we make it possible through six... more
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Girls at Work - The Associates

Girls at Work - The Associates

From the creation of the project to the final construction, these beautiful architects give themselves body and soul to satisfy their clients on all levels. There is no slacking off... more
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Bachelor Fantasies

Bachelor Fantasies

What is a man's hottest dream? A maid who takes care of not only the house, but his dick too? Or maybe a secret affair with the neighbor's sexy wife?... more
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Everybody Has a Little Secret

Everybody Has a Little Secret

You are a man with great imagination, a lot of passion and a gift to resolve problems. You are deep in your sexual fantasies about Rebecca when your pesky step-sister,... more
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Step-Daddy Will Make Everything... Worse?

Step-Daddy Will Make Everything... Worse?

Being a step-dad can be such a beautiful thing but it is a burden at the same time. Your two step-daughters always get into trouble. Let’s take the younger, Alyssa... more
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Family Secrets - The New Au Pair

Family Secrets - The New Au Pair

A new au pair joins the family today and her presence turns family dynamics upside down. Generally speaking, au pairs are ingenuous and looking for new experiences. The beautiful Kaisa... more
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2019's Hottest Newcomers

2019's Hottest Newcomers

2019 was a good year for sex-lovers. Many new talents have arrived, all of them are gorgeous and willing girls who wanted to test their skills on the stage of... more
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One Night Stand with Kaisa Nord

One Night Stand with Kaisa Nord

Sometimes there is no need for big setups. Flirting, dating? Those concepts are overrated. Occasionally two like-minded adults only want to have some fun. A quick – or in this... more
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Wives to be Initiated

Wives to be Initiated

These young wives are waiting for only one thing: to discover new pleasures under the eyes of their husbands. Watch them as they follow their husband's orders and fulfilling their... more
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  • Kaisa Nord
    Kaisa Nord
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