Elle Rose's scenes

Your Step-Sister's Business

Your Step-Sister's Business

Your hot step-sister runs her own business, a pretty popular travel agency but she needs your help in emergency: you have to provide your guestroom to tourists who book their... more
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The Anal Matchmaker

The Anal Matchmaker

We invited three girls who love anal sex to show their way of anal love. But as we found out, they like it more way than one... they love it... more
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Crime Does Pay

Crime Does Pay

You are being robbed in the past weeks without catching the burglar - until today. Arriving home, you find a badass hottie, Henessy lurking in your house, almost getting away... more
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POV with the Naughtiest BABES

POV with the Naughtiest BABES

There is no better sex for those who love beautiful, passionate, but young adult women craving for love, and exploring their newfound sexuality. They need someone to guide them on... more
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Kinky Training for Young Wives

Kinky Training for Young Wives

Eager to preserve their passion and break the everyday bed routine, young couples decide to explore the boundaries of libertinage by sharing their sexual games with others. Offered to strangers... more
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Naughty College: Summer Camp

Naughty College: Summer Camp

Nothing is boring in the Naughty College, especially not the summer seminars. With the taste of freedom on their lips, the girls go crazier and hornier than ever. Their hot... more
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The Education of a Married Woman

The Education of a Married Woman

How do you rekindle desire when routine threatens to set in? These couples, although they try to hide it, routine has settled in in their sex-life and they each need... more
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Henessy's Sexperiences

Henessy's Sexperiences

Henessy is a real gem. She is smart and kinky, she is naturally beautiful and she is a joy to be with. Oh, and did we mention she is a... more
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  • Elle Rose
    Elle Rose
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