Christina Shine's scenes

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man

The invisibility is merely a side effect of your medication but it changes your life nevertheless. How does a man remains level-headed when all the sudden everything gets into arms... more
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Headmaster Affairs

Headmaster Affairs

A headmaster’s duty is plenty... especially if he tries to control a school full of naughty schoolgirls and horny teachers. But if he simply stops fighting against it, if he... more
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You may not be the best lawyer in the city and you may not have the best assistant of all time. But you have a certain charm that makes women... more
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POV Office Affairs

POV Office Affairs

Do you often daydream about your hot & sexy colleagues, assistants or even about your boss lady? You can’t have everything in life such as a naughty fucking session in... more
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Porno Dan's MILFs Just Wanna Have Fun 2

Porno Dan's MILFs Just Wanna Have Fun 2

Time for a new hunt! Your challenge is given: pick up as many hot MILFs from the streets as you can. Grab your camera and explore the city to find... more
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POV with Lustful MILFs

POV with Lustful MILFs

Who doesn't prefer fast satisfaction sometimes? We know you do too. That's why we collected the Top 8 hottest european MILFs from our interactive shows to represent them to you... more
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Becoming Bad Santa

Becoming Bad Santa

Santa burned out. He doesn’t feel like getting through yet another Christmas. He is about to give up when he meets a willing young dude who takes over and... more
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A Magical Encounter with Christina Shine

A Magical Encounter with Christina Shine

It’s time for an another crazy adventure with your step-dad Dan, who loves to pick up lonely girls in the city. You meet Christina, a busty blonde Hungarian chick in... more
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  • Christina Shine
    Christina Shine
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