Lovenia Lux's scenes

Rent Out Your Couch!

Rent Out Your Couch!

You have a big, beautiful house, but let’s be honest… the upkeep of a crib like this is a bitch. So you have no other choice but to find a... more
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Chic Affairs - Clea & Cherry

Chic Affairs - Clea & Cherry

In a very chic Parisian flat, Cléa and Cherry Kiss have started heat things up before their partners arrive and they're more than ready to fulfill all their partners' fantasies.... more
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When Your Step-Daughter Craves Fame

When Your Step-Daughter Craves Fame

Everything started with your exhibitionist step-daughter who uploaded her nude video to different porn tubes. Even worse that for fame, she was willing to upload the sex video she made... more
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ClubXtreme with Liza & Melody

ClubXtreme with Liza & Melody

Club Xtrem is reopening its doors for a new night of Parisian debauchery! Young, beautiful, liberated people visit this place, sharing the same secret: when night falls, they come together... more
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No Limits Club

No Limits Club

Welcome to the No Limits Club! In this mysterious place, the most beautiful women of Paris come in quest of depravation away from prying eyes. Cheated, abandoned or even too... more
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Where to Meet MILFs

Where to Meet MILFs

Sex, Luxe, Lust

Sex, Luxe, Lust

Today the amazing Claire invites you, the storyteller in a sumptuous mansion entirely dedicated to the most deviant pleasures that she won't fail to immortalize with her camera. Her countless... more
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Saturday's Schedule

Saturday's Schedule

What a life... working out and going to parties all day, every day. All these with a beautiful girlfriend on your side. Many guys wish they could have a life... more
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  • Lovenia Lux
    Lovenia Lux
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