Valentina Bianco's scenes

Ex-Girlfriend Enthusiast

Ex-Girlfriend Enthusiast

Having several ex-girlfriends in your past makes you a real pro in bed: so your actual girlfriend is always a happy girl. What’s more, having a precious home video collection... more
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Ex-Girlfriend Enthusiast 2

Ex-Girlfriend Enthusiast 2

How uncomfortable it is when your strict looking landlady finds your very own and just as private home video collection. Even more so when you have no choice to watch... more
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Strap-on Sensation

Strap-on Sensation

What... hot girls with big toys? Hell yes! Could anything be hotter than seeing gorgeous babes spicing up their lesbian adventures with a massive toy cock? If your answer is... more
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Simply Insatiable

Simply Insatiable

Explore five tales about five gorgeous ladies whose sexual appetite is simply insatiable. These brazen nymphomaniacs love nothing more than having their tight little pussies filled to the brim with... more
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  • Valentina Bianco
    Valentina Bianco
    December 06, 1982
    48 kg
    157 cm
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