Lea Guerlin's scenes

Risky Game

Risky Game

What was supposed to be a simple dinner party between friends ends up revealing the guests' little secrets. Cheating, love interests, and all kind of sexual affairs fracture the friendly... more
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Naughty College - Medical Exam

Naughty College - Medical Exam

The Russian Institute is abuzz with excitement. A young and gorgeously sexy doctor has just joined, and all the female students in uniform can't wait to get to know him.... more
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Footballers' Housewives

Footballers' Housewives

In a world where money, fame, sex and power are part of daily life, follow the adventures of three beautiful footballers' wives. Lola, Anna and Abbie are three gorgeous young... more
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MILFs on Vacation

MILFs on Vacation

Let down by an unfaithful husband, Lexi is treating herself to a well-earned holiday in the sun, and goes to meet up with her old friend Dani, at her beautiful... more
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Manon's Perfume

Manon's Perfume

Karen and her husband Christophe knew how to give free rein to their fantasies. Between the incredible high-society orgies in which they regularly participated and their naughty sex games, they... more
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Lustful & Indecent

Lustful & Indecent

Get ready to watch these lustful and indeed indecent women's fantasies. Lauren always wanted to satisfy her boyfriend, so she decided to try anal sex. Alice had her eye on... more
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  • Lea Guerlin
    Lea Guerlin
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