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Bratty Stewardesses

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Flying is humanity’s ultimate fantasy. And when your are surrounded by the sexiest stewardesses during your flight, like the beautiful blonde, Angelika Grays, the flirty hottie, Matty Mila Perez, and the spicy redhead, Cherry Candle, that's the best part of the whole journey. However, while these stewardesses might be hot & irresistible, sometimes they aren't actually good at their jobs. That's when you come in: As the airline's trainer and teambuilder, you deal with all the bad and bratty stewardesses - and they don't make your job easy. You are not alone in your goal, your gorgeous assistant and right hand, Ada Lapiedra, is right there by your side, ready to help you change the notorious trio's attitude. Management gave you the green light to do everything in your power in order to bring out the best of these three baddies, even rented out a villa in Spain for the weekend, but still — they are on high demand and have a huge fanbase, so firing them isn't an option. Ready to tackle this unusual but very much intriguing challenge?
You are: The Team Builder
Story: Flying is humanity’s ultimate fantasy. And when your are surrounded by the sexiest stewardesses during your flight, like the beautiful blonde, Angelika Grays, the flirty hottie, Matty Mila Perez, and the spicy redhead, Cherry Candle, that's the best part of the whole journey. However, while these stewardesses might be hot & irresistible, sometimes they aren't actually good at their jobs. That's when you come in: As the airline's trainer and teambuilder, you deal with all the bad and bratty stewardesses - and they don't make your job easy. You are not alone in your goal, your gorgeous assistant and right hand, Ada Lapiedra, is right there by your side, ready to help you change the notorious trio's attitude. Management gave you the green light to do everything in your power in order to bring out the best of these three baddies, even rented out a villa in Spain for the weekend, but still — they are on high demand and have a huge fanbase, so firing them isn't an option. Ready to tackle this unusual but very much intriguing challenge?
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